Thursday, November 29, 2012

Idaho State Senator Speaks Out on Health Insurance Exchanges

GUEST POST by State Sen. Sheryl Nuxoll (R-District 7) — 

I am against any government exchange because I do not believe the American People want Obamacare implemented. It is a huge step toward socialism/communism. It takes away our freedom to choose and our dignity as a human being. Many of us will be treated as animals—the healthiest will be given the best opportunities. There are many other provisions in the bill that do not even pertain to health and that invade our privacy and freedom. 

We are so appreciative of courageous legislators like Sen. Nuxoll who are willing to take a stand against the tyranny of obamacare. It is our hope that the rest of our state legislators will follow her lead and roundly reject the health insurance exchange proposals that are before them. 

— Editor Comment

1 comment:

  1. Our government officials need to repeal, rewrite, or just dispose of OBAMA-CARE all together!!!
