Friday, July 5, 2013

Why Are We Here?

Independence Day Speech by Jeff Wright (Author of The Citizen's Last Stand) — 

Good afternoon friends and fellow Idahoans! I wish to pause a moment a send a special shout-out, to POW Bowe Bergdahl and his family. We should all hope and pray he will be free very soon and back in Hailey. Do not, for one moment, stop the drumbeat and pressure on the President to make him free, again!

My friends, everyone knows we are here 237 years later because an enlightened minority of the colonials decided they wanted to be free of the King, his taxes and his tyrannical control.

We are here because, in their struggle and sacrifice to be free, the new citizens also set about the task of defining a new form of governance. One that would also free them of ALL Kings; those of blood heritage and those who wish to be tyrants and pretenders to the throne.

We are here because to obtain that condition as free people, severe restrictions had to be set in place to also avoid combining of secular power into men not of "divine inheritance."

We are here because to end the King's reign, and ensure no other man's reign takes over, the People's militia and every individual possible must always be sufficiently armed to prevent it. Including, military-type arms.

Today we face a complex series of challenges: From the vacuous narcissism of presidential power, to the sinister monitors of our most private communication. All of which, of course, is done in the name of an unwanted and false "Security."

The opponents of Liberty attack our morals, our principles, families, wealth and productivity. They attack us from the LEFT and the RIGHT. They steal from, subvert and corrupt our best institutions. In fact, they attack the very Independence we are here to celebrate!!

The federal government has no other reason to exist but to protect our rights and liberties as free people and free states. Instead, it attacks those rights and us, individually, on a level unprecedented in our history.

We have a long way to go. Today, in that beautiful building across the street, we have too many elected legislators that have no idea why we're here. They vote, with fatal regularity, to further enslave us and kow-tow to a federal government that interferes with every aspect of every Idahoan's daily life.

I wrote The Citizen's Last Stand: Are YOU Ready? to have a plan. It is a complete handbook for every citizen to know what they have to do:

First, it describes the reasons and support mechanisms of the Progressive movement of the 20th century. It explains the policies that created our current mess and the behaviors that allow it to continue.

Second, it is a plan to end the Security and Surveillance State, the Warfare and Welfare state. To stop the hyper-regulatory state from destroying our economy. In the final chapters, it recommends a series of steps and action items beginning with each individual through to the state legislature.

Third, it opens the debate for the third stage of our great Republic. Then, it asks: "ARE YOU READY?"

The only way to protect the People, our land and our Great State from those that wish to control us, IS TO ACT. You have to Educate and Communicate to friends, family and colleagues who have yet to know and realize their amazing heritage.

Leave here today with a renewed commitment to true Independence, Freedom and Liberty. Send out the message "We're here, we have no fear—now let's kick it into gear!!"

Thank you and Happy Independence Day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jeff for your effort in attempt to help us all remain free.
    Your passion and love of family, neighborhood, state, and country are very much appreciated. Please keep up the excellent work.
