Saturday, August 17, 2013

WATCHDOG REPORT: Labrador's positions on state enforcement of federal law

EDITOR'S NOTE: GSTP maintains a place for people to submit Watchdog Reports that bring to light questionable activities of the government. The claims and assertions made in these reports are often unverified and should be taken only as the opinions of those who submit them. Please feel free to weigh in on the issue in the comments section. Thank you. 

Watchdog Report filed by ANONYMOUS — 

Representative Labrador wants to give local and state police the power to enforce federal law. He wants to use the local law enforcement officers as an arm of the federal government. That is a direct infringement on our state's sovereignty and what we want for our state!

1 comment:

  1. How is our state's sovereignty being infringed by the enforcement of Federal law that the Federal Government is unwilling to enforce? We have been inundated by illegals and the pressure of supporting a population that has been encouraged by their own government to come north and which has even given instructions how to take advantage of our social entitlement systems.
    There is no reason why the illegals should have such an easy time breaking Federal law and statute without consequence. When can I break a Federal law and be rewarded? When do my progeny get the entitlements that others who have been following the rules cannot obtain?
    We don't need the under educated that other countries don't want coming here illegally and be expected to support them, their families who remained in the country of origin and receive money that is obtained illegally, by work that has put another taxpayer in the unemployment line. It is a lie that they only do jobs Americans won't do, they take jobs away from Americans in construction, labor and other fields that were the domain of our own under educated blue collar workers.
    It is time to send the illegals back to where they originated and expect others to play by our rules not make up rules that don't satisfy a Progressive government that is not looking out for Idaho's interests.
    If you can't get the job done without illegals, maybe you need to get a bit of an education yourself, or get a job where you don't have to rely on cheating the American worker.
