Thursday, September 12, 2013

Political Games

Funding the U.S. Government is a requirement of the U.S. House of Representatives. It is spelled out in Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. These House members hold the "purse strings". The biggest drain on our U.S. economy is entitlements. One of the largest entitlements in town today is PPACA (AKA Obamacare) and we need to defund it.

Some in the U.S. House are now considering doing what Harry Reid said they should not do which is to "play juvenile political games" by putting two Continuing Resolutions (CR's) on the table to fund the U.S. government: one that would defund Obamacare and one that does not even address Obamacare.

They want to put these two CR's on the table at the same time in order to provide political cover back in their districts, so that Rep. Simpson and others like him can say that they voted to defund Obamacare. This is just another example of cynical political games designed to give political cover to disingenuous politicians. Please contact Rep. Simpson and tell him not to play political games and to vote only for the CR that defunds Obamacare. If that CR does not pass, he should vote against any other CR and shut down this out of control government until the tyrannical weight of Obamacare is lifted off of our backs.

National Tea Party Patriots in a recent blog article says "It appears Democrats don't like the CR because it keeps spending at sequestration-dictated levels. We cannot let the House give up on sequestration to get Democratic votes. Make sure your Representatives know they should pass a CR that has both sequestration-level funding AND no Obamacare funding."

Rep. Mike Simpson
2312 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
PHONE: 202-225-5531
FAX: 202-225-8216

Chad Inman
President, Tea Party Boise

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