Monday, October 28, 2013

Four Years and Counting

GUEST POST by Darr Moon (Custer County, Idaho) — 

It has been a difficult four years for those of us who still believe in well-defined and constitutionally limited government. You'd think by now with all the stones thrown at the tea party that we'd just crawl under a rock and go away. That's what the media and the big government type hopes for, but I'm assured they haven't done the math. There are more of us than there are of them. Four years into the battle of ideals and we are now hardened warriors, not the naïve news junkies of past or the sit around coffee houses and complain types. We've been called "tea baggers", bigots, racists and homophobes by all sorts of political apparatchik but the smear campaign doesn't stick because the truth is apparent for all to see. And so the truth must be told and the white light of reason shone on the fear mongering incendiaries who cling to their big government ideology and their green bibles.

It may seem that we are losing every battle, that the confines of government continue to press further, but the truth once again is that government is losing badly. The recent roll out of the ObamaCare website is only a minor example of government failure. Look under the hood and you will see that America is broke with nowhere to hide the burdensome debt now at $17 trillion, young people are unemployed and most people now are under employed. The number of actual unemployed is over 21 million. We live in a society where almost 48 million people are on food stamps and 1 in 5 go hungry and where electronic gadgetry has replace mom or dad in millions of broken homes. Do you think it is free enterprise tapping the life from all these souls?

Now that everyone is talking about insurance coverage within our state health exchange, why haven't we had the conversation about rising medical costs? Could it be that we've been herded once again into a pen by fear mongers? Instead of breaking free our chains of government security and letting the entrepreneurial expertise of the free market lower medical bills as it naturally would, the drum beats for more government involvement sound. Put your trust in government and see the result. Failure after failure.

The great Ponzi scheme is about up though. The youth of America will soon realize that without their diligent effort working a life time at menial jobs will this old and infirm establishment survive. In fact when they realize they've got to pay for the excess the progressive regimes have created, heads will roll. Occupy Wall Street will look like a Sunday picnic in MacArthur park. When those $100,000 student loans can't be paid back because the promise of good jobs is discovered to be just another con job by those firmly ensconced in lucrative ivory towers many will hang from lamp posts.

The world of progressivism is dying and the world of free men is dawning. No amount of media hype or political rhetoric can hide that fact. It sad that the lean forward progressive movement steered by our many leaders over such a long time will cause such havoc, but then again, can you think of any collectivist society that hasn't eaten their own. The simple truth is for all to see and understand, but ignorance has trumped reality in these days of all about me. Just as gravity affects all mass, this bubble of inflated egos and over paid nitwits will burst. This is why we at the Custer County Tea Party have been at it for four years. Only by those who understand the principle of free men will our nation be free again. The task is immense so onward, onward, steadily onward soldiers, we've got a long way to go and many ignorant souls to turn.

In Liberty,

Darr Moon
Custer County Tea Party, Born October 27, 2009

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