GUEST POST by Ralph D. Perez (Idaho) —
Progressives are Socialists, only worse. Worse, because Progressives are Socialists with plausible deniability and therefore little or no accountability. Under a typical Socialist* system, the state nationalizes companies and or large segments of the private sector by taking a direct ownership position. They own it, they're responsible for it. Progressives accomplish this very same goal without taking ownership. They do this through legislation and regulation, but most importantly by using deception and deceit to clothe this wolf with the appearance of the sheep. They accomplish two things with this tactic.
First, they avoid association with the colossal failures and mass murders of past socialist states and experiments, by calling themselves Progressives. A simple name change, progressivism instead of socialism, and their doctrine is somehow cleansed of all the death and destruction caused by their "collectivist" ideology. We need only look at the last century to see the fruits of their labor. Whether it be China's Mao Tse-tung, the Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin or even the National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly known as the Nazi Party, under Adolf Hitler in Germany. These three Socialist/Collectivist espousing governments and leaders alone are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people, and the torture, incarceration and misery of hundreds of millions more. "The needs of the many out way the needs of the few" is how they justify their crimes. The very reason the president's spokesman Jay Carney, this week, showed indifference to the 15 million people currently losing their healthcare plans as "only 5%" of the population, while pointing out that 95% will benefit (even though that itself is also a lie). Ironic though, remember when they crammed this healthcare law down our throats and took over one sixth of the private sector economy? That was supposedly to help "only 10%" of the population or 30 million un-insured. Funny how "only" only matters when promoting progressivism.
Second, and most devious, is they create the perfect scape goat. By having full control, but not "ownership" they can distract the public away from their own incompetence and deviance, by pointing to and laying blame on those who "own" the business or "run" the industry. Even though these captains of industry are nothing more than the equivalent of department heads working under the thumb of their master governmental appointees and regulators. We only have to look at the most glaring case in point; the Affordable Care Act/ Obamacare. Who is to blame for this disaster of a role out? President Obama says "I take full responsibility for fixing these problems as fast as possible". Notice, he doesn't take full responsibility for causing them in the first place. However, the best illustration of my point is his blatant lies to the American people in order to pass his legislation and to subsequently get fraudulently re-elected. "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan, PERIOD", "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD". Now that he is safely re-elected and the truth comes out that as many as 93 million Americans will, in fact, not be able to keep either, where does the blame lay? Not with the president. Not with the progressives. NO, the progressive talking heads and the president's own spokesman rush out and lay blame squarely at the feet of the insurance companies. Saying it is not the president or his policies that are cancelling your insurance, it is simply the insurance companies making, get this, "A BUSINESS DECISION". AND THE PROGRESSIVES HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THOSE BUSINESS DECISIONS, right? They make the healthcare plans illegal and the evil insurance companies make a business decision to NOT BREAK THE LAW. You see how this works? You put a gun to the head of someone's loved one and tell them to jump off a building or you will pull the trigger and then claim it was his/her decision to jump, you had nothing to do with it. Of course most of the ignorant witnesses didn't see you holding the gun, so maybe you can get away with it. Plus the guy/gal who jumped really wasn't that popular anyway, so who cares? This is just one example of this evil, progressive, liberal, socialist, DEMOCRAT ideology that has metastasized and currently runs deep throughout every vein in our government.
There is NO "fixing" these people or their policies. The progressive leaders are the very enemy within that our founding fathers warned us against, they will never give up until they are victorious or destroyed. The masses who follow and support them are simply ignorant, "useful idiots". As many have referred to them over the decades, all around the world. This includes most of the Liberal media, the supposed "watchdogs" of our Republic. No, this ideology must be removed, destroyed, cut out like the cancer it is, and banned from the halls of governance once and for all. Americans should take the very same approach to Progressivism/Socialism/Communism as the left has taken with religion. We need a new doctrine, I call it "THE SEPARATION OF SOCIALISMS AND STATE". This doctrine has no more place in a free society then does Shari Law, for the outcome for individual liberty is exactly the same.
What's to be done? The president is right about one thing. If you want to undo what he and his ilk have done, we must win elections. In my opinion, that means stop pussy footing around with these socialists. Call them to account for their ideology and call them what they are, socialists. DO IT OUT LOUD, INTENTIONALLY AND IN EVERY PUBLIC FORUM POSSIBLE. Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt regarding their true intentions. We all know damn well what they are doing and where it ends. They can call anybody who disagrees with them RACISTS, but we can't use the S word? That my fellow Americans is unilateral disarmament and exactly what they are and have counted on. Progressives are Socialists only worse and progressives control the Democrat Party. It is time to have the courage to call it like it is and call them what they are, to remind Americans of their unique individual rights and liberties and to show them the positive message imbedded in their constitution. It is time to re-instill pride in what it means to be an American. The greatest country this world has ever known.
Here is one more small thing that is a personal pet peeve. Every time you hear a politician use the term "democracy" or "our democracy", when describing our form of government, you have an obligation as an American patriot to correct them, immediately. The United States is a Republic, not a democracy. A republic is a state that does not practice direct democracy, but rather has a government indirectly controlled by the people. When you boil all this down, this is what it comes to. Pure democracy is evil. It forces the tyranny of the majority onto the minority, under the guise of "majority rules". This is the Progressive utopia. A Republic protects the rights and liberties of the individual and therefore the minority, under the "rule of law, not of man". Our constitution is that rule of law. The use of the term democracy, by progressives, is purposeful and meant to undermine the very principles of individualism and individual rights and liberties that stands in the way of their collectivist principles. Unless and until we embrace and restore these founding principles, codified in that most honored document, we will continue to die a withering death, as this cancer eats us from within until finally this great nation will no longer exists as the beckon of freedom it once was. I only hope there is still time to save her, to save all of us. May god bless the United States of America.
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* Socialism; an economic system characterized by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy. "Social ownership" may refer to cooperative enterprises, common ownership, state ownership, citizen ownership of equity, or any combination of these. There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them. They differ in the type of social ownership they advocate, the degree to which they rely on markets or planning, how management is to be organized within productive institutions, and the role of the state in constructing socialism.
Progressives are Socialists, only worse. Worse, because Progressives are Socialists with plausible deniability and therefore little or no accountability. Under a typical Socialist* system, the state nationalizes companies and or large segments of the private sector by taking a direct ownership position. They own it, they're responsible for it. Progressives accomplish this very same goal without taking ownership. They do this through legislation and regulation, but most importantly by using deception and deceit to clothe this wolf with the appearance of the sheep. They accomplish two things with this tactic.
First, they avoid association with the colossal failures and mass murders of past socialist states and experiments, by calling themselves Progressives. A simple name change, progressivism instead of socialism, and their doctrine is somehow cleansed of all the death and destruction caused by their "collectivist" ideology. We need only look at the last century to see the fruits of their labor. Whether it be China's Mao Tse-tung, the Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin or even the National Socialist German Workers' Party, commonly known as the Nazi Party, under Adolf Hitler in Germany. These three Socialist/Collectivist espousing governments and leaders alone are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people, and the torture, incarceration and misery of hundreds of millions more. "The needs of the many out way the needs of the few" is how they justify their crimes. The very reason the president's spokesman Jay Carney, this week, showed indifference to the 15 million people currently losing their healthcare plans as "only 5%" of the population, while pointing out that 95% will benefit (even though that itself is also a lie). Ironic though, remember when they crammed this healthcare law down our throats and took over one sixth of the private sector economy? That was supposedly to help "only 10%" of the population or 30 million un-insured. Funny how "only" only matters when promoting progressivism.
Second, and most devious, is they create the perfect scape goat. By having full control, but not "ownership" they can distract the public away from their own incompetence and deviance, by pointing to and laying blame on those who "own" the business or "run" the industry. Even though these captains of industry are nothing more than the equivalent of department heads working under the thumb of their master governmental appointees and regulators. We only have to look at the most glaring case in point; the Affordable Care Act/ Obamacare. Who is to blame for this disaster of a role out? President Obama says "I take full responsibility for fixing these problems as fast as possible". Notice, he doesn't take full responsibility for causing them in the first place. However, the best illustration of my point is his blatant lies to the American people in order to pass his legislation and to subsequently get fraudulently re-elected. "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan, PERIOD", "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD". Now that he is safely re-elected and the truth comes out that as many as 93 million Americans will, in fact, not be able to keep either, where does the blame lay? Not with the president. Not with the progressives. NO, the progressive talking heads and the president's own spokesman rush out and lay blame squarely at the feet of the insurance companies. Saying it is not the president or his policies that are cancelling your insurance, it is simply the insurance companies making, get this, "A BUSINESS DECISION". AND THE PROGRESSIVES HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THOSE BUSINESS DECISIONS, right? They make the healthcare plans illegal and the evil insurance companies make a business decision to NOT BREAK THE LAW. You see how this works? You put a gun to the head of someone's loved one and tell them to jump off a building or you will pull the trigger and then claim it was his/her decision to jump, you had nothing to do with it. Of course most of the ignorant witnesses didn't see you holding the gun, so maybe you can get away with it. Plus the guy/gal who jumped really wasn't that popular anyway, so who cares? This is just one example of this evil, progressive, liberal, socialist, DEMOCRAT ideology that has metastasized and currently runs deep throughout every vein in our government.
There is NO "fixing" these people or their policies. The progressive leaders are the very enemy within that our founding fathers warned us against, they will never give up until they are victorious or destroyed. The masses who follow and support them are simply ignorant, "useful idiots". As many have referred to them over the decades, all around the world. This includes most of the Liberal media, the supposed "watchdogs" of our Republic. No, this ideology must be removed, destroyed, cut out like the cancer it is, and banned from the halls of governance once and for all. Americans should take the very same approach to Progressivism/Socialism/Communism as the left has taken with religion. We need a new doctrine, I call it "THE SEPARATION OF SOCIALISMS AND STATE". This doctrine has no more place in a free society then does Shari Law, for the outcome for individual liberty is exactly the same.
What's to be done? The president is right about one thing. If you want to undo what he and his ilk have done, we must win elections. In my opinion, that means stop pussy footing around with these socialists. Call them to account for their ideology and call them what they are, socialists. DO IT OUT LOUD, INTENTIONALLY AND IN EVERY PUBLIC FORUM POSSIBLE. Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt regarding their true intentions. We all know damn well what they are doing and where it ends. They can call anybody who disagrees with them RACISTS, but we can't use the S word? That my fellow Americans is unilateral disarmament and exactly what they are and have counted on. Progressives are Socialists only worse and progressives control the Democrat Party. It is time to have the courage to call it like it is and call them what they are, to remind Americans of their unique individual rights and liberties and to show them the positive message imbedded in their constitution. It is time to re-instill pride in what it means to be an American. The greatest country this world has ever known.
Here is one more small thing that is a personal pet peeve. Every time you hear a politician use the term "democracy" or "our democracy", when describing our form of government, you have an obligation as an American patriot to correct them, immediately. The United States is a Republic, not a democracy. A republic is a state that does not practice direct democracy, but rather has a government indirectly controlled by the people. When you boil all this down, this is what it comes to. Pure democracy is evil. It forces the tyranny of the majority onto the minority, under the guise of "majority rules". This is the Progressive utopia. A Republic protects the rights and liberties of the individual and therefore the minority, under the "rule of law, not of man". Our constitution is that rule of law. The use of the term democracy, by progressives, is purposeful and meant to undermine the very principles of individualism and individual rights and liberties that stands in the way of their collectivist principles. Unless and until we embrace and restore these founding principles, codified in that most honored document, we will continue to die a withering death, as this cancer eats us from within until finally this great nation will no longer exists as the beckon of freedom it once was. I only hope there is still time to save her, to save all of us. May god bless the United States of America.
Please like and share this post of you agree with this message. Thank you.
* Socialism; an economic system characterized by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy. "Social ownership" may refer to cooperative enterprises, common ownership, state ownership, citizen ownership of equity, or any combination of these. There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them. They differ in the type of social ownership they advocate, the degree to which they rely on markets or planning, how management is to be organized within productive institutions, and the role of the state in constructing socialism.
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