Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men!

The Peace on Earth Anti-war Rally is scheduled to take place at 3:00 PM on Saturday, December 15, 2012 on the front steps of the Idaho Capitol. You should attend, and I'll explain why.... 

What does it mean to be "anti-war"? In the 1960s, the term was associated with the hippie movement. In the 2000s, it was the cause célèbre for Democrats who wanted to make life difficult for President Bush. Since 2008, however, the anti-war movement has languished in obscurity as the traditionally anti-war Democrats have decided to sit on their hands as their commander-in-chief escalates not only the theaters of war (in Libya and Yemen) but also engages in the targeted assassinations of US and foreign citizens alike. 

So why should you be anti-war? Even if (and I hope this is not the case) you support the overseas wars that the US is currently engaged in, you should still oppose the application of the principles and tactics of war to domestic policy. An anti-war rally is very much an appropriate venue to denounce all varieties of failed government "wars" including the "war on poverty," the "war on drugs," and the "war on terror." All of these grand facades have been nothing but excuses to seize and redistribute property; to strip individuals of their civil liberties and natural rights; and to kidnap, cage, enslave, and murder both random civilians and political and philosophical opponents of those in power. It has been said that "war is the health of the state," and that is true whether the war is a conventional one or a reinvention of the notion concocted in an attempt to justify battlefield-style atrocities in domestic policy. 

Today, there is ample evidence that war is a losing proposition for all involved. Aside from very real questions about the true status of the "enemies" being engaged, there are also unacceptable levels of "collateral damage" which include not only human lives, but human rights. Opposing "war" as it exists today is not only the right position; it is the only position consistent with the principles of individual liberty and economic freedom. 

I hope you will join us in front of the Idaho Capitol on Saturday, December 15th at 3:00 PM to take a stand against war and against the tyrants who wage it. Until then, I wish you all peace on earth, good will toward men! 

1 comment:

  1. Author C. David Coates wrote an eye opening poem which, like a mirror, exposes us to truths we may not wish to see.

    "Aren't humans amazing? They kill wildlife - birds, deer, all kinds of cats, coyotes, beavers, groundhogs, mice and foxes by the million in order to protect their domestic animals and their feed.

    Then they kill domestic animals by the billion and eat them. This in turn kills people by the million, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative - and fatal - health conditions like heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and cancer.

    So then humans spend billions of dollars torturing and killing millions more animals to look for cures for these diseases.

    Elsewhere, millions of other human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals.

    Meanwhile, few people recognize the absurdity of humans, who kill so easily and violently, and once a year send out cards praying for 'Peace on Earth.'"


    Each of us has the power to choose compassion. Please visit these websites to align your core values with life affirming choices: http://veganvideo.org & http://tryveg.com
