Friday, November 8, 2013


GUEST POST by Michael Bowman (Boise, Idaho) — 


Last night I watched as the President made a feeble attempt at being contrite and apologetic more about the launch debacle than his "misstatements" (I call them bold faced lies) about "If you like your health care insurance, you can keep it, PERIOD." He feebly tries to say his intent was not to harm American citizens. I say his presidency has done nothing but harm We The People, as well as diminishing the honor and respect of our nation across the globe.

Mr President based on your previous statements of being appalled at the circumstances of a litany of issues, well more appropriately called scandals, you have stood before US and promised a full and detailed investigation of these matters and holding those involved accountable.

Fast and Furious, this keeps rearing its ugly head yet today as more crimes are being directly tied to the weapons YOUR Justice Department put in the hands of blatant criminals, resulting in the murder of Randall Terry. Let's see you appointed your Attorney General Eric holder to investigate himself. Where is the ethics, integrity and honesty in that?

Benghazi, four needless deaths that you and your then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton jointly and on multiple occasions boldly and confidently lied to Americans and to the whole world. You and your members of the executive branch have stonewalled, thwarted and at every turn done your utmost to delay and deny the facts of this matter. That is not what an average American would consider finding the facts about. You to this very day have not been forthcoming with the TRUTH.

The IRS scandal, again you have not been truthful. The facts are coming out and you violated your oath of office, you violated the rights and trust of the American people in the use of an arm of OUR government to control, damage and thwart the ability of groups of American citizens who merely opposed you and your ideology. I would wager your ideology as it is with me is by far the greater factor. You are stonewalling and hindering the Congressional Investigation at every turn. Please explain to me how your actions are in compliance with your Oath of Office? Nixon may have suggested using the IRS, he never crossed that line, your sir cannot make the same claim.

The NSA scandal, again you promised a complete and total investigation in this manner. Just like every other scandal you have created you have parsed words and gone on like nothing ever happened.

All of these events and the lack of action are clear indicators that you are more than willing to say anything at the moment in order to dodge a bullet headed at you. This time your failure to be truthful is finally going to hit nearly every American in the spot that the hurt is immediate and the effect will be long lasting. You have chiseled away at our Unalienable rights and freedoms from day one. Your degree of success has been in these assaults have been aided by a press. A profession that once took great pride in keeping all of our elected officials both truthful and accountable to the citizens of this great nation. Based on your personal track record of following through and producing both honest and verifiable material facts to each and every one of these scandals, I find myself unable to believe any word that is uttered from your mouth. We The People will somehow survive the damage you have wrought upon this nation, the damage you have done to public trust may never recover.

I believe your legacy is now etched in stone. "THE FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE THAT HARMED THE NATION." Join US at your local Tea Party and together let's restore this nation. ~Benghazi ~MLB

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